wallowing in echoes of sorrow
mimicking insanity into desires
shrieking foolishly at the thought
of being alone and frozen in time
not wanting to let go of the agony
like a sinking boat would hold to its flag
the last one to go
that's what comes from
falling into traps of empty promises
and defying the norms of senses
that's the aftermath of
following streams of insanity
thinking I had what it takes
to overcome your plight
to decipher your moves
what a fool
if I can only chase you away off my brain
if I can only get back to my numbness
for a while ,
you are gone ...yet here I am
stuck into your challenges
blinded by your fading light
even our memories , once blissful
are turning into hurt
everything is covered with flakiness
By aurumium
© 2005 aurumium (All rights reserved)