You would expect to see
trees when people say there is a forest
yet there are trees that don't belong
or maybe they were there but decayed away
Just like everything else
down the drain
replaced by some kind of mutants
that nobody can understand or follow
What a lovely world .. we make together
if only there was some sense to give to this world
it would have been ok
unfortunately senses don't seem to recognize this
kind of being implanted into the forest instead of the trees
Oh lovely birds .. you better off staying on wire-lines
or into chimneys for this is the most cold forest
you would ever be able to think of ..
and if you can find something ..
that would be great for I couldn't find
any meaning whatsoever
except the smile on my face ..
watch and learn for there is always
something to be learned
even when we are surrounded by insanity .
from the forest land with love
By aurumium
© 2006 aurumium (All rights reserved)