I am not ready to watch you
walk away from my heart
if you do my love ... you know
that I will just fall apart
Now that you walked away
the only consolation left behind
is my lonely wet pillow
the only friend I could find
This hurt over my crying soul
is weighing it down to its wear
my heart's whiffs making it so clear
that I am longing to see you here
I need you to come back to me
I can't wait to touch your hand
and to make you understand
how your smiling lovely face
is my only magical wand
to drive away my sorrows
I need to wrap my arms around you
my heart is in need for your woo
my dry soul is in need for its dew
Come back to me my love
and let's weave our hopes
from our sky and its blue
and from your lovely wide eyes
will make a horizon to sail through
By aurumium
© 2006 aurumium (All rights reserved)