He sat there by the hill
keeping an eye on his
two goats and
working out his new tune
on his flute
Oh goatee goat
if I was to tell you not
what's in there behind
those hills
would you believe me ?
if I tell you there is
just another foggy void
He then pulled his bags
from inside his head cover
unfolded the piece of newspaper
where he kept his tea powder
he got from Tuesday of the advancers
And while waiting for his water
to boil on the three stones
with wood but no foil
he started singing
the tray and the well
the running water still
come over and make me
your sweet soft cup of tea
and let me regulate my mood
He then adjusted his head cover
to a forty degree and from behind
his ear pulled out a half smoked
cigarette and then struck
a candle match against a stone
to lighten up his mind
puffed few circles and watched
them disappear into thin air
Sunset caught him still day dreaming ..
he then whistled to his goats
it was time to go home sweet home
he put his cane behind his shoulders
as an acrobat while doing
his oscillating walk ... his own peacock dance
in case she would be looking his way
an early courtship to last him till dawn
By aurumium
© 2006 aurumium (All rights reserved)