Monday, February 14, 2011

Have a Mercy

My heart keep on sighing in its wither
my hope of having you flicker
my inner light of you shimmer
my longing to your murmurs glimmer
my soul warm of your desire dither

Even loving that once made me so prow
is now eating me like a krill
stuck inside the loss in a whale
my love when you left your curule
you left me behind prowled by despair

Now my loneliness with your thought grow
the hurt of time with your touch is sedum
everything from you is another hopeless grim
unflinching love of my muse who once saved my soul
now becoming so frail and so pale in its doom

Like a thunderbolt when it is spew
exuded into the deep of my soul
spawning many more rivers of sadness
which cram into the surface of my ocean
and spur my peaceful inner self

Into a storm that wilt my rose mallow
fieriness of the time against its own hurt
so shaded as to be dark and gloomy
tomb-less sorrow keep on haunting my soul
lugubriously mournful and sinful
dragging me down to its lair

Like a crestless wave would fade away at the shore
culmination wallowing me in those far away desires
abomination and loathing is stranding me to my sorrow
like the vaned featherless hope of Sparta
like a venda lost in a chase of a feather

Save me from my own despair
in the name of those memories we once shared
your sentence is so stern
my only sin was loving you .