Just the other night
while redecorating my inner side
with some meanings to help me go on ..
I came across your letters
they are so yellow now
as if from another life
I unfolded one just to check
if I am over that hill
yet it connected me back
to the days where
you used to call me 'your life'
Now those letters may sound
to you as shadows of the past
tainted by a mixture of joy and
pain together dancing over like
lost moments gone awry
But to me they remained
gallant snaps of love
we once had that is now gone
gone but left behind so many
pressing questions so thirsty
for answers but for now
I can only imbrue them with my tears
for no answer could resolve my pain .
Gone are those days
but they left questions ..
objects of the past to remain
with me till my elderly age
to take with me to my grave.