She marinated few crocodiles for breakfast
he swamped few lions into his brunch
and then they met under the stars
decided to get rid of their fierceness
and get down to lovey dovey business
He came into the arena with his smile
she came into the arena with her dance
then they got naked just for the heck of it
and started plowing the snow away
and wishing for the sun to move its butt
and come over for a while
Did the sun move its butt ?
of course not !
why would it ???
Then they shivered to death
decided it was not a good idea
how dumb it was to be naked
in a middle of a winter
with tails between the legs
they quickly put the layers
of their cloths back on
and get lost to nowhere
By aurumium
© 2006 aurumium (All rights reserved)