It was that time of the year
when the yawning dears
woke up and steered
dawn into lovely flowers hearts
Balimako the joy of his tribe
put on his serious look
and out his hut he went
to his buddy Yoyo
he yelled wake up !
it is time to go
yanking them dates
from the palms before dawn
spoils our fun and be gone
Yoyo with his sleepy eyes
and lazy thighs barely
mumbled his line ..
neave me anone
I haven't gone sneeping til
Zoziya neft the sky
Oh yeah ! .. you want me to
shake that dream from
that nognonous imagination
of yours
I said .. wake up buddy
it is time to go and
climb them palm trees !
Mumbling and sembling
here comes Yoyo
with his rope already
tied around his waist
up the palm tree they go
up the top of the palm
their rond heads show
We will gather enough dates
to last us the whole summer
we will throw the party
of dates like no party before
and we will get wasted with
the spirit of the dates
and we will dance
our Zorkatum dance
and them palm leaves
will be lit and admired
with us around the big fire
Yoyo still half asleep
Balimako singing his
song whose lyrics
never anyone understood
up the sky they look
and around the pile of
dates their eyes
joyfully danced and pransed
I think we have gotten enough
dates now ..let's go
down now and let
our celebration begin
By aurumium
© 2006 aurumium (All rights reserved)