Saturday, September 5, 2015


Under the road to the altar
mingled by thousands sighs
resting glares shading
murmurs of the past

 A winding road
 briny world
 immaculate fiends
 waiting in vain
 the moot ambush

 Rilling and jettisoning
 against all odds
 fierce look of the horizon
 mating with the sob
 to become me
 again and again


Glorious ones 
in the hands of a labyrinth
crushing  dreams
making  brims
fun is the way 
to the other side
of the remaining days
left behind
ashering winds
of joy
into the unborn dawn
resting souls 
around a fire of clebrations
somewhere ajar is the gate
 somewhere is done the fate
waiting  solicitting 
envious smiles
into dry lips
 asking for more
washing by tears
waiting to bloom 
into another  sigh
somewhere  a star
mourning its blaze
 the scale  of that rose
 the twig of a  hare  
 just to remain alive 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Inside the Outside

Strewing the wishes 
like a Sennett from the far away 
sounding just like the drums of a snare 
just lisps of lifeless wishes uttered 
like swarms of roars 
like vitriolic virulent feelings 
echoed by hallucinative prisms
stenchy moist in the eyes
is what is left of the lure 
to the den of grand deceptions 
so translucent and prase 
the trip of tears through a sprue
into the land of fearless brumes 
standing behind the eye and its vision 
the soul and its mission 
the dark and its perception 
another boyard gone insane 
stuck with a face without a name
hindering and hampering the lame
impeding proses into flames